Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Little Things

The following Terms and Conditions must be accepted by the “Hirer” prior to The Little Things” making the goods or services available to the “Hirer”. Payment or deposit of an invoice is an automatic acceptance of these conditions.

1. Basis of Contract

1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by The Little Things Limited and the Hirer, these terms and conditions shall be the only terms and conditions on which The Little Things will provide the goods and or services to the Hirer.

1.2 These Terms are deemed to be accepted by the Hirer on payment of a booking deposit, on receipt by The Little Things.

1.3 The Terms apply exclusively to every contract for the hire of goods and supply of services by the Hirer from The Little Things and cannot be varied or supplanted by any other terms without the prior written consent of The Little Things.

1.4 A written quote or invoice provided by The Little Things to the Hirer regarding the proposed hire of goods is valid for 7 days of issue date and is an invitation only to the Customer to place an order based upon that quote. Any terms in The Little Things quote form part of the Terms of the Contract and if inconsistent will prevail.

1.5 Goods hired shall at all times remain the property of the Owner.

1.6 Any photos taken by The Little Things makes us the copyright owners of these photographs therefore we reserve the right to post photos on our social media pages i.e. Facebook and Instagram.

2. Hire Charges and Delivery

2.1 All prices include GST and service charges unless otherwise stated.

2.2 Amount quoted is for use of the goods for the period of time stated in the contract/ invoice.

(a) Delivery, and pick up of goods to be provided during ordinary hours of 7am to 7pm; any delivery and/or pickups outside ordinary delivery hours will incur an extra surcharge.

(b) Public Holiday surcharge applies to all bookings on public holidays.

(c) Delivery being made to street level; ground level or any floors level must be clear of any hazards. If delivery is required to higher ground level, we must be notified before deposit is paid as extra surcharge applies.

(d) Please ensure that all furniture is either moved from area being styled or set in the manner needed. We will not set out chairs and tables if these are not hired from us or belong to The Little Things.

(e) The Customer is responsible for unpacking, setting out, repacking and cleaning of goods unless agreed upon otherwise.

3. Dry Hire Items

3.1 Dry hire items are to be picked up on the Friday 10am – 4pm and must be returned by the following Monday 10am – 4pm. Late fees apply for items not returned on time.

3.2 A security bond applies to all dry hire orders, the bond is calculated based on the value of the items hired.

3.3 Security bond paid via a bank transfer only; we will require the client to provide us with bank details to process the bond refund.

3.4 The Client must ensure that items are not damaged during transport, we recommend that clients have vehicles that are appropriate for the items being picked up.

3.5 The Hirer agrees to pay for all products lost, destroyed, stolen, damaged or unreturned.

3.6 Damages to items whilst in client’s responsibility, will be charged to client and deducted from security bond. If replacement cost is greater than the security bond held, client will be billed for the remainder of the balance.

3.7 Replacement costs will be paid to The Little Things based on the current pricing and availability of the items on the market.

4. Invoicing, Payment and Bonds

4.1 Payment for hire of goods and services must be made by:

(a) 50% Deposit of the total invoice on ordering within 7 day of invoice issue date; and balance 14 days prior to delivery date.

(b) Deposits are non-refundable, non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for a credit note.

(c) Delivery cannot be confirmed unless full payment has been received 14 days prior to event.

(d) Items will not be held without a deposit. Hirer has 7 days within invoice issue date to secure items with 50% deposit.

(e) If order placed less than 7 days from event date, then payment in full is required within 48 hours from invoice issue date.

4.2 Payment must be made by a bank transfer only.

4.3 The Hirer agrees to pay any expenses incurred or loss suffered by the Owner as a result of breach by the Hirer of its obligations pursuant to these Terms (including legal and debt recovery costs).

5. Variation and Cancellation

5.1 If through circumstances beyond the control of The Little Things, The Little Things is unable to provide goods, then The Little Things may:

(a) make changes to the goods provided that the end performance is not materially prejudiced; or

(b) cancel any order (even if it has already been accepted) by notice in writing.

5.2 The Hirer may cancel an order but will forfeit all booking deposits. For orders cancelled 7 days prior to the event date, the balance of the invoiced fee is due in full.

5.3 Any item removal or deductions from invoice must be made at least 4 weeks prior to the hire date. Variations made within 4 weeks will incur the hire charge. Additions can be made at any time and are subject to availability.

5.4 If the hirer decides to cancel the booking/event; The Little Things will offer a 50% refund only of the amount paid towards the invoice. No refunds will be offered if outside of the 4-week period.

6. Cleaning

6.1 Upon completion of the hiring, the equipment must be properly cleaned by the hirer. It is agreed that the whole or part of the cost incurred by The Little Things arising out of the failure by the hirer under this clause may be deducted from the bond.

6.2 If items are returned unclean, a cleaning fee of $40 will be charged and deducted from the bond or charged to client. This is mainly for the use of cake stands, chairs, tables or plinths.

7. Damage to Equipment

7.1 The Hirer is responsible for any loss or damage to the equipment for any reason whatsoever except loss or damage which is caused by reasonable wear and tear.

7.2 The Hirer agrees to pay for all products lost, destroyed, stolen, damaged or not returned to the The Little Things.

7.3 Damages to items whilst in client’s responsibility, will be charged to client and deducted from security bond. If replacement cost is greater than the security bond held, client will be billed for the remainder of the balance.

7.4 Replacement costs will be paid to The Little Things based on the current pricing and availability of the items on the market.